Tages-Anzeiger science editor Martin Läubli wrote about the findings of the study by Mana Gharun (Postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich) and ICOS-CH co-authors and also highlighted the…
Today, a synthesis paper on the impact of the 2018 drought in Switzerland by Mana Gharun (Postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich) and other ICOS-CH co-authors was published. It used data from five…
The ICOS-CH Annual Meeting took place today, this year as a virtual meeting! Of course, we all missed meeting and chatting during coffee breaks. Nevertheless, we enjoyed a successful day where we…
The agenda for this year's ICOS-CH Annual Meeting is published. The meeting will be virtual, but nevertheless, we are very much looking forward to meeting you all and to sharing interesting ICOS…
The revised handbook gives a comprehensive overview of ICOS, both for the ICOS community and for external stakeholders. Download the handbook and find out about ICOS, the National Network…
Due to Covid-19, the 4th ICOS Science Conference will be organised virtually from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th of September 2020. Read more on the conference website...
ICOS-Station PI Mana Gharun could finally send the long awaited picture: The official ICOS Class 1 Label has arrived at its “home” in Davos and is now installed in the hut.
We can now prove: Davos is indeed labelled, the wooden ICOS RI certificate is here!
In its January 2020 issue, National Geographic features Konsta Punkka's effort to photograph ICOS sites. A picture from CLASS 1 Atmospheric Monitoring Station Jungfraujoch was chosen to illustrate…