ICOS-CH Data Citation and Acknowledgment

You should always cite and acknowledge ICOS Switzerland (ICOS-CH) data and funding in your publications and on your posters if:

  • Your position was funded by ICOS-CH.
  • You used data from one of the ICOS-CH stations (Jungfraujoch, Davos or Basel), even as part of a larger data release.
  • You conducted research at one of the ICOS-CH stations (Jungfraujoch, Davos or Basel).

Following the ICOS data citation campaign, ICOS-CH data should be cited in three places of your research paper: data citations, references, and acknowledgements. Additionally, for ICOS-CH, you should acknowledge the ICOS-CH funding in the acknowledgments and/or funding section of the journal. 

In the data citations section

Use the following text and complete with the information from the data product you used (follow the citation example as given for the downloaded product on the Carbon Portal websites).

[Name of the data category used] were downloaded from the ICOS Carbon portal, DOI: [DOI number] ([Name of the data providers] et al., [Year])


Half-hourly Level 2 eddy covariance fluxes for Davos were downloaded from the ICOS Carbon portal (Feigenwinter et al. 2024, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/5KHj0Sxho3SrIeCponSB3iBg)

ICOS Atmosphere Level 2 data from Jungfraujoch were downloaded from the ICOS Carbon portal (Emmenegger et al. 2024, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/4-Kot58QX1b5u-e8SGD8XTPy)

In the references section

When using a dataset from an ICOS-CH station, use the citation from the landing page of the dataset you downloaded.


Feigenwinter, I., Etzold, S., Gharun, M., Hortnagl, L., Meier, P., Liechti, K., Stutz, T., Burri, S., Buchmann, N., Zweifel, R., Baur, T., Eugster, W., Gessler, A., Hug, C., Häni, M., Kumar, S., Marty, M., Schmitt Oehler, M., Staudinger, M., Sutter, F., Thimonier Rickenmann, A., Trotsiuk, V., Waldner, P., Wilhelm, M., Zhu, J., Zimmermann, S. (2024). ETC L2 Fluxes, Davos, 2018-12-31–2024-09-30, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/5KHj0Sxho3SrIeCponSB3iBg

Emmenegger, L., Leuenberger, M., Steinbacher, M. (2024). ICOS ATC CO2 Release, Jungfraujoch (13.9 m), 2016-12-12–2024-03-31, ICOS RI, https://hdl.handle.net/11676/4-Kot58QX1b5u-e8SGD8XTPy

When using ICOS-CH data as part of a larger dataset including several ICOS stations, use the DOI number of the entire data release and list stations that contributed to the release in the acknowledgements section. Additionally, acknowledge funding for the ICOS-CH stations in the acknowledgements or funding section (see below).

In the funding and/or acknowledgments sections

Always use grant numbers exactly as they are written below. In case you analyse/publish ICOS-CH data now that were collected during an earlier ICOS project phase, acknowledge both project phases.

Project phaseFunded byGrant number
Phase 1: 2013-2017

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

In-house contributions


Phase 2: 2017-2021

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

In-house contributions


Phase 3: 2021-2025

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

In-house contributions

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)


To acknowledge ICOS-CH in general (for the whole project time) in a publication or on a poster, use the following wording either in the funding or the acknowledgement sections:

ICOS-CH has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), in-house contributions, and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) since 2013 (Phase 1: 2013-2017, Phase 2: 2017-2021, Phase 3: 2021-2025).

To acknowledge ICOS-CH from a specific project phase, use the following wording either in the funding or the acknowledgement sections:

General example

We acknowledge the financial support from ICOS-CH Phase 3 (Swiss National Science Foundation, grant 20FI20_198227).

Person specific example

[add author name] was funded by ICOS-CH Phase 3 (Swiss National Science Foundation, grant 20FI20_198227).

Station specific example: 

CO2 observations at Jungfraujoch were funded by ICOS-CH Phase 3 (Swiss National Science Foundation, grant 20FI20_198227). CH-Dav was supported by ICOS-CH Phase 1-3 (Swiss National Science Foundation, grants 20FI21_148992, 20FI20_173691, 20FI20_198227).