Projects sorted by the topics Ecosystem, Atmosphere, Vegetation and Soil. Newest projects on top.
Topic | Project name | Description | Main variables | Begin date | End date | Contact person | Affiliation | Contact |
Ecosystem | LWF | Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research | Meteorological data, Soil moisture, Ozone, Foliar concentrations, Atmospheric deposition | 2007 or later | Arthur Gessler | WSL | | |
Ecosystem | Swiss FluxNet | Ecosystem-scale CO2 and H2O vapour (at some sites also CH4 and N2O) eddy-covariance flux measurement sites in Switzerland. | CO2, H2O, N2O, CH4 | 2004 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | | |
Ecosystem | ICOS-CH | Swiss contribution to the Integrated Carbon Observation System Research Infrastructure | CO2, H2O | 2013 | 2029 | Nina Buchmann (National Focal Point) | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | STOIKOS | Elemental ecology: towards an element-based functional ecology | Community-weighted elementomes | 2023 | 2028 | Roger Grau | CREAF | |
Ecosystem | TRISHNA T-SEC | Understanding and characterisation of energy balance in forests using TIR remote sensing | Energy balance | 2021 | 2027 | Alexander Damm | University of Zurich | |
Ecosystem | Assessing Canopy Complexity Models at Differing Spatial Resolutions in Contrasting European Forests | UAV /LIDAR | 2025 | 2025 | Andreas Skovby Orbaek | University of Denmark | | |
Ecosystem | Integrating tree and ecosystem measurements to advance our understanding on European forest responses to global change drivers | Tree cores | 2023 | 2025 | Rossella Guerrieri | University of Bologna | | |
Ecosystem | Fluo4Eco | Combining Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Mechanistic Modelling for Advanced Assessment of Ecosystem Photosynthesis | Canopy fluorescence | 2021 | 2025 | Alexander Damm | University of Zurich | |
Ecosystem | COCO | COS and below-canopy CO2 fluxes of two Swiss forests: understanding land-atmosphere ecosystem exchange | CO2, COS, H2O | 2021 | 2024 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | eLTER | The Long-Term Ecological Research in Europe | 2020 | 2024 | Marcus Schaub | WSL | | |
Ecosystem | Daylight and climate | Does too much daylight in spring inhibit forests' CO2 uptake capacity? | Leaf and canopy scale measurements | 2022 | 2023 | Yunpeng Luo | WSL | |
Ecosystem | EcoDrive | Unravel the changing contributions of abiotic vs. biotic drivers of ecosystem gas exchange under weather extremes | CO2, H2O | 2021 | 2023 | Nina Buchmann | UZH, ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | UAV-LiDAR and ML, for AGB regression and forest structure | Obtain individual tree attributes from point cloud data scene and see how they compare with field measurements | 2021 | 2023 | Jaime Caballer Revenga | KU Denmark | | |
Ecosystem | FEVER | Forest Vulnerability to Extreme and Repeated Climatic Stress | CO2, H2O | 2020 | 2023 | Mana Gharun | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | Measurement of vegetation water content with GPS signals | Global Navigation Systems (GNSS) interferometry | 2021 | 2021 | Vincent Humphrey | University of Zurich | | |
Ecosystem | RINGO | Readiness of ICOS for necessities of integrated global observations | N2O, CH4 | 2017 | 2020 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) | Linkage between deposition and air-surface exchange of mercury in forest ecosystems: a comparative study between Switzerland and China | Hg | 2017 | 2020 | Christine Alewell; Feng Xinbin | Uni Basel; Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
Ecosystem | iTREE | Long-term variability of tree growth in a changing environment – identifying physiological mechanisms using stable C and O isotopes in tree rings | tree growth, stable isotopes | 2012 | 2016 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | ProDoc | Forest ecosystem responses to climatic drivers | CO2, H2O | 2011 | 2014 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | DendroNEP | Linking dendrochronological information with net ecosystem productivity of forest ecosystems | CO2, tree growth | 2011 | 2013 | Werner Eugster | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | GHG Europe | Synthesis of the European Greenhouse Gas Budget | CO2, CH4, N2O | 2010 | 2013 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | CarboExtreme | The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes – a Pan-European synthesis | CO2 | 2009 | 2013 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | FoResp | CO2 budget and respiration components in two contrasting forest ecosystems in the Alps: Are there similarities with boreal forests? | CO2 | 2007 | 2010 | Werner Eugster | ETHZ | |
Ecosystem | CarboEurope IP | Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance | CO2 | 2004 | 2008 | Nina Buchmann, Werner Eugster | ETHZ | |
Atmosphere | NABEL | National Air Pollution Monitoring Network | Air Pollution | 1990 | Christoph Hüglin | Empa | | |
Atmosphere | Mercury monitoring | Pilot study to establish a Hg0 measurement network across Switzerland | Air Hg0 concentration | 2022 | 2022 | Stefan Osterwalder | ETHZ | |
Vegetation | TreeNet | The biological drought and growth indicator network | Stem radius changes | 2011 | Roman Zweifel | WSL | | |
Vegetation | SanaSilva | Forest health inventory | Crown condition | 1985 | Arthur Gessler | WSL | | |
Vegetation | NFI | Swiss National Forest Inventory NFI | State and changes of Swiss forest | 1983 | Christoph Fischer | WSL | | |
Vegetation | SwissPhenocam | Country-scale automated phenology tracking from imagery | Webcam images (Roundshot cameras) | 2023 | 2027 | Jelle Lever | WSL | |
Vegetation | Tree Pulse Network | Network of high-precision band dendrometers | Stem radius changes | 2024 | 2025 | Emile Touber | Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) | |
Vegetation | Cold and heat tolerance of conifers across a climatic gradient in Switzerland | Twig sampling | 2023 | 2023 | Alice Gauthey | EPFL | | |
Vegetation | SwissFungi | Distribution, red list status and ecology of all fungi known for Switzerland | Fungi spores | 2022 | 2023 | Markus Schlegel | WSL | |
Vegetation | LWF Regeneration Sampling | Long-term Forest Regeneration Monitoring in LWF Sites | Seed production and seedling dynamics | 2021 | 2022 | Janneke Hille Ris Lambers | ETHZ |> |
Vegetation | MapCland | UAV LiDAR scannning | Above-ground biomass, lidar close-range point cloud data (ecosystem geometry), multispectral close-range data (ecosystem spectroscopy) | 2021 | 2021 | Thomas Friborg | Copenhagen University (KU) Dept. of Geoscience and Natural Resources Management (IGN) | |
Vegetation | DeepT | Using deep neural network (DNN) algorithms in order to recognize tree species, growth patterns and tree water deficit-induced stem shrinkage characteristics | Stem radius changes | 2020 | 2021 | Roman Zweifel | WSL | |
Vegetation | Forest-CH | Environmental Controls on Forest Growth in Switzerland | Forest growth | 2011 | 2016 | Nina Buchmann | ETHZ | |
Soil | National drought program | Long-term national in situ soil moisture network in the scope of the national drought program | Volumetric soil moisture, soil water potential, soil temperature and electrical conductivity | 2023 | Simone Bircher-Adrot | MeteoSwiss | | |
Soil | GRADCATCH | Using natural environmental gradients to decipher the adaptation of soil microbial communities to climate change | soil microbial community | 2021 | 2024 | Peter Waldner | WSL | |
Soil | Transition of sulfur nutrition from excessive supply to potential deficiency in spruce forests | 5 mineral soil samples (0-10cm) | 2021 | 2023 | Dorit Julich | TU Dresden | | |
Soil | Give and Take: how much water does soil retain for trees? | Investigate the role of soils in the water balance of Swiss forest ecosystems. | Volumetric soil moisture, soil water potential | 2019 | 2023 | Katrin Di Bella Meusburger | WSL | |